Journal Articles
First-authored publications are listed in bold. Publications are listed in reverse-chronological order.
Full text is linked when noted (full text). If you have trouble accessing these articles, I'm happy to provide access through ResearchGate.
Dynamic change meets mechanisms of change: Examining mediators in the latent change score framework. International Journal of Behavior Development, 2022.
Culturally responsive trauma-informed services: A multilevel perspective from practitioners serving Latinx children and families. Community Mental Health Journal, 2021. (full text)
Understanding factors related to nonsmoking intention among college students. Journal of American College Health, 2019.
Profiles of future orientation among assault-injured adolescents: Correlates and concurrent outcomes. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 2019. (full text)
A meta-analysis of parenting practices and child psychosocial outcomes in trauma-informed parenting interventions after violence exposure. Prevention Science, 2018. (full text)